The beginning of human resources training in microbiology in Bahia took place through the course based at the Faculty of Pharmacy. The specialization course in Microbiology proposed by Faculty of Pharmacy of UFBA, still underway, aims to give opportunity to various health professionals, who want to specialize in various modalities of microbiology, meeting the demand Market. Therefore, it is an option for these professionals who return to university in search of updating their knowledge.
The creation of this course has great regional importance, mainly in formation of professionals who do not have the availability of displacement to south and southeast regions of the country, which concentrate the large number of courses in Microbiology, either Lato or Stricto sensu. In Northeast region, we only have a Lato sensu course in the state of Paraíba and a Master and Doctorate course recognized by CAPES (coordination for the improvement of higher education personnel) in state of Ceará.
The specialization in Microbiology was created in the year 2005, by Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis (DACTOX) located at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Bahia, for professionals with undergraduate degree in sciences Biological, Pharmacy, Medicine, Biomedicine, Nutrition, Nursing, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine. The course has as faculty, as well as professors of DACTOX, professors of the departments of Medicines and Bromatological analyses and the Institute of Health Sciences.
This is a monthly course, with a workload of 420 hours, including 60 hours of monograph and the remainder distributed in 20 disciplines, such as research methodology and scientific work, principles of biostatistics, biosafety and bioethics in microbiology, epidemiology, morphology, physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms, genetics of microorganisms, host interaction x microorganism, clinical bacteriology, immunologic methods applied to diagnosis of microbial infections, clinical bacteriology, pharmacology of antimicrobians, virology, mycoology, food microbiology, oral microbiology, microbiology of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, environmental microbiology, molecular techniques applied to diagnosis and epidemiological study of microorganisms, veterinary microbiology and nosocomial infection.
The course is completing the third class and from the next will be characterized as a specialization course of permanent character in UFBA. The course formed a total of 80 students in three classes. Professors Joice Neves Reis, Milton Ricardo de Abreu Roque and Tânia Fraga Barros are from the faculty of the specialization course and are also included in this proposal of postgraduate strictu sensu course in Microbiology.
In addition to this context, the fact that countless professionals with doctoral and PhD degrees, graduates from renowned universities in microbiology in Brazil and abroad (UFRJ, UFMG, USP, UNICAMP, Universidad de Buenos Aires) have provided a tender for Professor at UFBA in recent years and today are leaders of research groups and coordinate laboratories in several areas of microbiology (as examples the Drs. Adriana Medeiros, Milton Roque, Paula Ristow, Luis Pacheco, Silvia Sardi, Melissa Pinna, Federico Costa, Lucas Miranda Marques). Given the lack of graduate course in Microbiology in Bahia, these professors work in other graduate programs in related areas, such as biotechnology, immunology, genetics, among others. As a consequence, these teachers form resources in microbiology; However, these students are absorbed by PG programs in other areas of knowledge, or seek specific training in the area of microbiology in PGs from other states of Brazil.
Given the above, several professors from Ibio, ICS, Faculty of Pharmacy, School of Veterinary Medicine, ISC, Fiocruz and FTC, which have a wide network of collaboration between the professors themselves and with external members, elaborated a proposal for the creation of Graduation in Microbiology.